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​I use a foam roller to help loosen up

 ­­– Eric Koston

bodyweight exercises.

a science-based workout program designed for you to get the most out of skateboarding

the 12 week NBD skate performance


The Daily Push hooked up with Sebastian Brandon – skater and strength and conditioning coach at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona to bring you this set of exercises for skateboarders with the purpose of solidifying your body, keeping you protected from injury and increasing your resistance.


The exercises can be blasted out in no more than 30 minutes and don't require any equipment. It should only take a few weeks before you start to reap the benefits. 



how to.

  • Pick 2 single leg exercises, 1 glute/hamstring exercise, and as many core exercises as you like. 


  • Start by doing the exercises twice a week and progress to no more than 3 times per week.


  • Start on the lower end of sets and rep ranges then gradually add to each every 2-3 weeks.


  • If your body is hurting, give the exercises a miss until you're feeling good again.


  • If you have any pain during any of the exercises stop straight away.


  • Click on each image to enlarge it.



These exercises are designed for those who aren't injured and have already been skating regularly for a while. If not, to avoid risk of injury, visit a physiotherapist/personal trainer to be sure of what you can and can't do.



1. single leg strength movements.

These exercises strengthen muscles that stabilise the ankle, knee, and hip joints to increase resiliency. Choose 1-2 to do each exercise day. You can increase the intensity of these exercises by pausing at the bottom of the movement or slowing down the downwards portion. Always perform the upwards portion with speed and power. 



single leg strength movements.

rear foot elevated split squat
  • With your back foot elevated on a box, ledge, bench, chair, etc. take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • With control and without hyperextending your back, lower your back knee at a diagonal towards the ground – keep your front knee in line or outside your toes throughout the entire movement

  • With power, push through your front heel stand straight up until you are back in the starting position

leg exercises for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps each side
lateral squat
  • With your toes pointing forward, spread your feet out wide

  • Take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • With control and without allowing your chest to drop, squat to one side by pushing your butt back as if you were sitting in a chair – keep the opposite foot flat on the ground

  • Press through the heel of your bent leg and stand straight up until you are back in the starting position

leg exercises for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps each side
rotational squat (progression from lateral squat)
  • Stand straight with both feet together facing forward (12 o’clock)

  • Step one foot back so that it angles at either 3 o’clock (right foot) or 6 o’clock (left foot)

  • Take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • With control and without allowing your chest to drop, squat towards the back foot by pushing your butt back as if you were sitting in a chair – the opposite foot can lift off the ground

  • Press through the heel of your bent leg and stand straight up until you are back in the starting position

leg exercises for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps each side
single leg squat to box
  • Standing in front of a box, bench, chair, ledge, etc. (the lower the height, the harder the movement) lift one leg off the ground and take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • With control and without letting your chest drop, sit your butt back and lower your body to the ledge – keep your knee in line or outside your toes throughout the entire movement

  • Tap your butt on the ledge and press through your heel to push yourself back up to the starting position

leg exercises for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 6-12 reps each side
single leg squat from box (progression from single leg to box)
  • Standing on top of a stable surface (the higher the surface is from the ground, the harder the movement), lift one leg off the ground and take a deep breath that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • With control and without allowing your chest to drop, lower yourself down by sitting your butt back until your opposite leg touches the ground

  • Tap the ground with your opposite leg and push through the heel of your bent leg to stand up into the starting position


leg exercises for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 6-12 reps each side

2. glute and hamstring movements.

These exercises strengthen muscles used to produce power as well as stabilize the lower body and absorb force that would normally travel through the ankle and knee joints. Choose 1 to do per exercise day. 



glute and hamstring movements.

double leg hip bridge
  • Take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Squeeze your glutes and press your hips straight up

glute and hamstring exercise for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
single leg hip bridge (progression from double leg​)
  • Take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Opposite leg straight with knees in line with each other

glute and hamstring exercise for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps each side
hamstring walkouts
  • Take a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Press through your heels and squeeze your glute to raise your hips

  • With control, keep your hips up and alternate walking one leg out at a time until both legs are straight (should take 2-3 steps on each leg)

  • Take two big steps to bring your feet back to the starting position and repeat

glute and hamstring exercise for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 6-12 reps

3. core.

These exercises strengthen the muscles that create stabilization for the lower back as well as the entire body. A strong core promotes overall body control and allows the whole body to work as one unit instead of separate pieces. The muscles used in these movements absorb force that would otherwise be sent to joints not built for force absorption. Choose any number of these to do each exercise day.




high plank walkout
  • At the top of a pushup position, squeeze your glutes and brace your core by taking a deep breath that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Without hyperextending your back, slowly walk your feet away from your hands (6 small steps) and walk them back

core exercises for skateboarding
3-4 sets of 8-15 reps
front plank walkout (progression from high plank walkout)​
  • With your forearms on the ground and your hands flat (don’t interlock your fingers) do the exact same movement as the high plank walkout above – 4 small steps

core exercises for skateboarding
3-4 sets of 8-15 reps
overhead situp
  • On your back with your arms pointing towards the sky, brace your core by taking a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Without rocking, sit all the way up, finishing with your arms overhead pointing at the sky

  • With control, lower your body back down to the ground until the bottom of your shoulder blades touch then sit back up

core exercises for skateboarding
3-4 sets of 10-20 reps
stacked obliques (progression from overhead situp)
  • On your back, stack one heel onto the toes of your opposite leg and brace your core by taking a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Without rocking, crunch up and turn your upper body towards the leg that is stacked on top

  • With control, lower yourself back down to the ground until the bottom of your shoulder blades touch then crunch back up

core exercises for skateboarding
3-4 sets of 8-15 reps each side
high/front plank with leg raise
  • In a high or front plank position, brace your core by taking a deep breath in that “fills the stomach” (try to push your belly button out)

  • Without hyperextending your back, squeeze your glutes to lift one leg off the ground until the toes of that leg are in line with the heel of the opposite leg

  • Lower the leg back down and repeat

core exercises for skateboarding
2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each side

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exercises for skateboarders

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